Week three was condensed into five days, which meant double workouts most days. The reason? I had the pleasure of going on our winter "Indian Princess" camp out Friday through Sunday. We were at a very nice YMCA camp near Lafayette, IN. Abby took a horse trail ride. We shot rifles. Abby did archery. Abby climbed a rock wall. We played some fun games: target shooting using a PVC pipe and mini-marshmallows and the "I-Dad-a-Rod" (dads pulling their daughters on a sled over a course for time). The camp food was awful, but the company was second to none.
Here's my Week 3 workout breakdown:
Monday 1/12: A little over 2 hours on the bike trainer.
Tuesday 1/13: A 3 mile run on the treadmill and about 1100 yards in the pool.
Wednesday 1/14: 4 miles on the treadmill plus upper body, lower body, and core strength training.
Thursday: 1/15: A quick 1000 yards swim workout and 90 minutes on the bike trainer.
Friday: 1/16: 5 miles on the treadmill.
Saturday 1/17 & Sunday 1/18: "Off Days" at camp -- a couple hours hiking in the snow each day.
Overall, a good week.