SALUTE, Inc. -- Honor The Service

Throughout 2010 I'm helping raise money and awareness for a wonderful military family support organization: SALUTE, INC.

As an endurance athlete I've come to appreciate nothing more than the freedom to swim, bike and run -- for fun and fitness.

I can enjoy these activities because there are Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines and Guardsmen out in the world ensuring my, and your, freedom to do so.

This is my, and your, chance to say thank you. SALUTE, INC., passionately pursues meeting the financial, physical and emotional needs of the military service members, veterans and their families.

Please Click Here to Donate

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Planning for Beyond

I'm working on my 2010 Race Schedule (see new sidebar). So far I'm looking at starting the new year off with a Jan 1 5k or 10k.

Then it's on to the Shamrock Shuffle 8k. Cole and I have run this race together the last couple years. Last time the theme was to "Beat Krieks" and we made that goal. We have to make a goal for this race.

Next up will be the Rockman Half Iron Distance Tri. Last time this was a practice event to get in anther race at this distance prior to IMWI. This time this may be "A" race.

Later in June will be a local sprint tri. In 2008 this was my first triathlon. That seems so long ago now. I'm anxious to get back to this race and see my improvement.

July is a return to WIBA. Yes, this is not a race, but a weekend of hanging out with a great group of fellow triathletes is noteworthy.

August brings the Chicago Triathlon. At Cole's urging, I'm considering the Triple Challenge. That is a sprint tri on Saturday. On Sunday you go off in the first wave of the Chicago Triathlon Sprint distance race and finish in time to start with one of the last waves of the Olympic distance race (so a back-to-back Sprint-Oly race).

Lastly, it will be time to focus on the running for another lap round the city in the Chicago Marathon.

I'm sure I'll put some more 5k's and 10k's on the calendar (and hopefully some open water swim races too), but that is all I have for now.

I'm also considering joining a triathlon team or engaging a coach for the 2010 season. My training to date has relied on self-coaching, online training plans, and using the great resources of friends and local contacts. If anyone who reads this has ideas or suggestions, I'm all ears.


  1. Congrats on becoming an Ironman and catching the IM bug. It's good to plan out 2010 so early--prevents post-IM blues. Sounds like you don't have that problem! Good luck!

  2. Let me know what you'd like as far as collaborating on training plans. I'd be willing to help you out.
